24 noviembre 2008


This week, Primero A and B will learn about the American holiday, Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November and celebrates the grand feast between the Pilgrims and Indians in the 1600s. The Pilgrims left England to have religious freedom and the Mayflower brought them to Plymouth Rock in 1620. They signed the ¨Mayflower Compact¨ agreeing to live peacefully in the new colony. The Pilgrims´were struggling in the winter without food or shelter and many were dying of starvation. They were saved by the Indians who shared their wisdom about the land with them as well as their crops. The Pilgrims were unlikely to survive without the Indians. Together, they shared a big meal of wild duck, corn, and dried fruits.

Thanksgiving today is celebrated today in honour of this time. Family and friends come together to eat turkey, cornbread, vegetables, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. Everyone gives thanks for all that they have. It is also a time of helping those less fortunate. Many people donate food to the homeless and time to serving in soup kitchens.

Thanksgiving this year is November 27th. What are you thankful for?

Esta semana, primero A y B aprenderán acerca del dia de Acción de Gracias. Esta fiesta siempre es el cuarto jueves de noviembre. Esta fiesta era la celebración entre los peregrinos y los indígenas que tuvo lugar durante el siglo XVII. Los peregrinos se marcharon de Inglaterra, en un barco llamado ¨Mayflower¨ `para obtener la libertad religiosa. Los fundadores firmaron el ¨pacto de Mayflower¨en el que se decía que todos en la colonia nueva vivirían juntos en armonía. Durante el invierno, los peregrinos tuvieron muchos problemas con las cosechas y mucha gente murió de hambre. Los indígenas se hicieron amigos de los peregrinos y compartieron no sólo el maiz sino también su sabiduría acerca del conocimiento de la tierra.

Click here for Thanksgiving activities: http://www.dltk-holidays.com/thanksgiving/index.html
or here: http://holidays.kaboose.com/thanksgiving/index.html

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